A E F are the answrs i have.
Human Capital.
When an organization evaluates people based on the economic or productive potential of their knowledge, experience, and actions they are viewing them as human capital which is termed as an intangible asset for any organization but not present on an organization's balance sheet. Human capital is the economic value of the employees skills, expertise and experience which comprises of their training, education, health, intelligence, punctuality, values, ethics, corporate citizenship and loyalty etc.
All the rest of the counties since when they do currency exchange their value of monewy is higher and they have to pay less
June 15th, 2017
accounts receivables 2,000 debit
sales revenues 2,000 credit
July 15th, 2017
cash 2,000 debit
accouns receivables 2,000 credit
The contract is perform when Cosmo delvier the goods to Greig than aren't rejected. Greig accepted the good thus, the contract is valid from that date.