Primary Market
A Share Is a unit of ownership
This is the market for first issue, the market for second issue, that is, reissuing shares that have been previously issued.
Primary markets are facilitated or controlled by underwriting groups consisting of investment banks that set a beginning price range for a given security and complete its sale to investors.
I believe the answer is: The furnace is a fixture, but the washer and dryer are not.
Fixtures refers to a set of objects whose position is completely fixed and could not be removed unless by destroying a part of the building. Washer and Dryer are not fixed to any wall of the building and can be moved simply by the cooperation of two people or with the helps of stroll.
I can't figure it out sorry
The public debt is the amount of money that a government owes to outside debtors. Public debt allows governments to raise funds to grow their economy or pay for services. Politicians prefer to raise public debt rather than raise taxes. When public debt reaches 77% of GDP or higher, the debt begins to slow growth.
The difference between autonomous expenditure and induced expenditure is as follows:
The autonomous expenditure is incurred even without a disposable income. The expenditure is incurred to provide basic necessities of life. In such a situation, the person spends from savings account or borrows to ensure that the basic necessities are provided.
On the other hand, induced expenditure is a disposable income-based expenditure. This implies that when disposable income rises, induced expenditure also rises, and vice versa. Induced expenditure is usually incurred to fund normal goods and services and not necessities. Without disposable income, there is no induced expenditure.
All the four sectors of the economy engage in these expenditures. The public (government) and household sectors are mostly affected. However, even the business and non-profit sectors are also affected by these types of expenditure.
We can distinguish between two types of aggregate expenditure. The first one is autonomous aggregate expenditure, which does not vary with the level of real GDP while induced aggregate expenditure varies with real GDP.