<span>The answer is CTRL + A, this selects whole worksheet (A means all). In computing, a Control key is a transformer key which, when pushed in combination with one more key, achieves a singular operation (for example, Ctrl + A; like the Shift key, the Control key infrequently achieves any purpose when pushed by itself.</span>
3.Attention to detail
5.Enjoyment to learning new things!
No Problem!
Remote access VPN
The solution that represents the majority of VPN's on the markets and is commonly referred to as a VPN appliance is the Remote access VPN
A remote access VPN is a type of VPN that works by creating a virtual channel (appliance ) between different devices for the purpose of exchanging data in an encrypted form. although this Tunnel passes through the public internet the Data exchanged are only accessible by the devices connected via the tunnel only .
The remote access VPN is mostly used to connect an employee to the company's network therefore it represent the majority of VPNs in the market.
Prolog program are used in the artificial intelligence and the web development in a systematic manner process. As, it is also sometimes known as declarative language which basically consist of some facts and list. Prolog program are divided into the sections that are:
- Domain sections
- Clauses sections
- Predicates sections
- Goal sections
We need each section of the prolog program because all the sections introduced the systematic program and performed there particular functions so by using all these processing steps an efficient function are formed.
Nothing will be printed
You can easily find out that FL is not a member of the Dictionary. And we are checking these in the if. Since the if condition ends up being false, the further process will not run as they will only if the condition ends up being true. Hence, nothing will be printed.
Remember, del is used to delete a dictionary item. If this would have been a true condition for if then the FL item in the dictionary would have been deleted as it, in that case, would have been present there. And then the next line would have again added the FL item, and print would have printed the dictionary items with FL item as well. However, since if the condition is ending up being false, nothing will be printed.
If cities['FL'] and print is outside if then
the output will be
{'FL': 'Tallahassee', 'GA': 'Atlanta', 'NY': 'Albany', 'CA': 'San Diego'}