Some species that appear to be very different from other species can actually have similar anatomy. For example the scientist be
lieve that whales involved from land mammals. One reason for this is the presence of several function less hind limb bones still found eternity in the number of whale species. What is the term for a reduced often function some species that appear to be very different from other species can actually have similar anatomy. For example the scientist believe that whales involved from land mammals. One reason for this is the presence of several function less hind limb bones still found eternity in a number of whale species. What is the term for a reduced often functionless anatomical structure that serves as evidence in an organisms evolutionary past
Following are some examples of homologous structures. A dolphin's flipper, bird's wing, cat's leg, and the human arm are considered homologous structures. Whereas human beings have bones such as the humerus, ulna, radius, wrist bones, and fingers, these features appear as similar bones in form in the other animals. Bats, whales, and many other animals have very similar homologous structures, demonstrating that these creatures all had a common ancestor. The tailbone in human beings is so-named because it is a homologous structure to the beginning of many animals' tails, such as monkeys. It is known as "vestigial" because it is the last vestige of what was once a tail. All mollusks have a "foot" that they use to travel. This foot is homologous although it may not appear to be immediately - close inspection demonstrates that in terms of form and function, gastropods, cephalopods, and bivalves share this homologous structure in common. Mammals share the homologous structure of the vertebrae in common. For instance, in spite of its height, the giraffe has the very same number of neck bones (seven) as a giant whale and a tiny human being. Human beings, dogs, and cats all have similar pelvises, which are homologous structures to a vestigial pair of bones that snakes have. These bones are the last remains of a pelvis, with no legs to attach. Our eyes are homologous to the eye bulbs which blind creatures who live in caves have on their heads. All organisms contain homologous plasma membranes with what is called a phospholipid bi-layer. The wrist bone of the human being is homologous with the structures of many other animals, including the dolphin and the bird. A homologous structure in the panda looks like a sixth appendage, but it is actually a modified wrist bone that helps the panda bears pick leaves off the trees more dexterously. An auditory bone that exists inside the ear of mammals is a homologous structure to the reptile's jaw bone (including the dinosaurs) as well as the jawbone of species of fish that are still in existence today. The carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges of the human hand have homologous structures in a variety of animals, and they're not all mammals. For instance, these features are seen in penguins and reptiles as well as the mammals to which human beings are more closely related. The genetic code among all living things is homologous - extremely similar although other genetic codes exist. This suggests a common ancestor. Wasps and bees have stingers that they can use when they feel they are in danger. However, this is a homologous structure to the ovipositor of other organisms - the feature that allows these organisms to lay eggs.
Explanation: Every trait is controlled by at least a pair of gene. Genes have different forms known as alleles. Alleles can be dominant or recessive. A dominant allele expresses itself in the presence of a recessive allele and masks the effect of a recessive allele. A recessive allele cannot express itself in the presence of a dominant allele and it's effect is masked by a dominant allele. Dominant alleles are usually written in upper cases such as A, T, while recessive alleles are usually written in lower cases such as a, t. The two alleles that determines a trait is called a genotype. A genotype can be homozygous if the two alleles are identical such as in AA or aa
and can be heterozygous if the two alleles are not identical such as in Aa, Tt.
use this acronym king pharaoh can order for general scientists. king for kingdom, pharaoh for phylum,can for class,order for order, general for genus and scientists for species