Potatoes need sun, water and soil
A biological community of interacting organisms and their envious
No, Earth has gone through many changes throughout hundreds of thousands of years due to evolution. Some of these changes include land and animal. Earth and all of its environments are always changing and will continue.
- I hope this helps have a great night
A vibrating object produces sound waves. Energy needs to be transferred from the vibrating object to the ear through a medium..
Sound is transmitted through sound waves and waves transfer energy from the source of the sound to it environment in a pattern of disturbance and travels through a media. Sound waves carry energy parallel to the motion of the wave .
Since sound involve sound wave and energy as seen in the above explanation. We can not agree with Geneva given that in order for sounds to be heard, the sound wave produced by a vibrating object needs to travel from the vibrating object to the ear through a medium as a result of radio frequency signals that are leaking into our air causing them to bounce,reflect, enabling them to be heard in the human hearing range.