Pliable i think is the correct answer here
false all the way this isnt true
First, I will ask her again if she understood what I said because there may be a language barrier between us. She may have misunderstood, which is why she held her hand out expecting money. If she says she understood what I was asking, I will ask her how much money she wants for the photo and base my final decision on that.
The first question i would say C or D but i think C is more correct
2nd question i would say it is D)
in the first question
We can conclude that the fast food could be as dangerous as drugs
That was on the D) option, but if you choose the C option, in one experiment with the rats, they survived 2 weeks without eating healthy food, they wanted the other food(not the healthy one)
In the other question i choose D because is asking "what evidence supports the claim that junk food could be addictive and the D) explains that the rats were given unlimited access to junk food and they did not measure the quantity of food they ate
The left handed twin created things that were contrary and bad in relation to the things created by his brother, while the grandmother favored the left handed twin in all battles with the brother.
The right handed twin created good things that generated benefits for human beings, being he the creator of human beings, but the left handed twin always spoiled his brother's creations, creating contrary things that disfavored the human being. The action of the two twins left the world in balance, but the right handed twin saw it as a disobedience of his brother and ended up killing in a conflict generated between the two.
The grandmother of the two was disgusted with the situation and called the right handed brother a murderer. He thought that his grandmother favored his brother, cut off her head and threw it into the sky, raised the moon and threw the body into the sea, creating the fish.