The high-tech boom began in the Silicon Valley in California, but the information economy soon shifted to a global phenomenon as U.S. companies began outsourcing production and services to other countries in order to reduce costs.
Demographic trends brought increases in the numbers of immigrants, changes in their national origins, more frequent illegal immigration, and a graying of America as the general population aged. The North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) intended to stimulate trade with Mexico and Canada also stimulated debate and controversy as some Americans lost jobs. President Clinton and his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, initiated an unsuccessful examination of health care and how it could be provided more equitably and efficiently. Vice President Al Gore took the lead in addressing environmental issues and global warming, but as of 2011, the United States has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol that a world meeting had intended to limit greenhouse emissions
. Cultural issues related to abortion, gun control, and gays in the military played out during the Clinton years with conflicts between liberals and conservatives, who brought differing perspectives to these issues. Osama bin Laden helped found al-Qaeda, whose goals included driving Americans out of all Islamic nations, destroying Israel, and toppling pro-Western governments in the Middle East. In response to the 9/11 attacks, U.S.-led troops invaded Afghanistan with the goals of toppling the Taliban regime and finding bin Laden.
The choices forthe above question are:
A.An increase in centrally held power
<span>B.Protection from arrest without cause </span>
<span>C.Freedom from quartering soldiers </span>
<span>D.Freedom to petition the government</span>
The question is asking to choose among the following choices that states the aspect of english government traditions that did not influence leader in the united states base on that, I would say that the answer would be B. Protection from arrest without cause. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more.
Congress they are almost the same
The main way in which the colonies developed identities independent of great Britain is that they soon were home to a slew of immigrants from around the world, who brought with them their own traditions.
Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself