Popular sovereignty
The Missouri Compromise kept the amount of slave states and free states balanced in America. However, the Kansas-Nebraska Act reapeled the Missouri Comp. because it allowed the states to decided if they wanted to be slave or free based on popular sovereignty.
This will be my last answer for now, but I'm positive the Louisiana Purchase occured between France and the US during Jefferson's Presidency. It was a really good deal for the US, because it was a lot of land for little money. However, envoys under Jefferson negotiated the deal without his direct approval, meaning Jefferson was forced to push for ratification.
The 10th amendement and decentralization both have someythig to do with power.
The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" in French, typically refers to a period in European history from A.D. 1400 to A.D. 1600. Many historians, however, assert that it started earlier or ended later, depending on the country. It bridged the periods of the Middle Ages and modern history, and, depending on the country, overlaps with the Early Modern, Elizabethan and Restoration periods. The Renaissance is most closely associated with Italy, where it began in the 14th century, though countries such as Germany, England and France went through many of the same cultural changes and phenomena.
However, while the Renaissance brought about some positive changes for Europe, the geographical exploration that flourished during this time led to devastation for the people of the Western Hemisphere as European conquest and colonization brought plagues and slavery to the Indigenous people living there. In Africa, it also brought about the birth of the trans-Atlantic slave trade that saw Black people shipped from Africa to the Western Hemisphere to work as slaves on European colonies.
"Renaissance" comes from the French word for "rebirth." According to the City University of New York at Brooklyn, intense interest in and learning about classical antiquity was "reborn" after the Middle Ages, in which classical philosophy was largely ignored or forgotten. Renaissance thinkers considered the Middle Ages to have been a period of cultural decline. They sought to revitalize their culture through re-emphasizing classical texts and philosophies. They expanded and interpreted them, creating their own style of art, philosophy and scientific inquiry. Some major developments of the Renaissance include astronomy, humanist philosophy, the printing press, vernacular language in writing, painting and sculpture technique, world exploration and, in the late Renaissance, Shakespeare's works.
How did the U.S. role in the Nicaraguan civil war change in 1982? The U.S. government stopped official funding for the Contra. The U.S. government acknowledged the legitimacy of the Nicaraguan government. The U.S. government supported Iran's intervention to stop communist insurgents.