The United States gained international respect
The given quote by Treasury Albert reflects a revised sense of American nationalism that was fading after the Declaration of Independence in the previous decade. America and Britain had a strained relationship since then and were continuously fighting for the dominance of the continent.
The war of 1812 impacted a great loss on the side of America including economic fallout, deaths, burning of Capitol and many other public buildings. However, America could resist the colonizers at Atlantic coast and eventually signing of a peace treaty.
America was united for the first time against a foreign power as both the Republicans and Federalists joined to defend national interests gaining International respect.
During Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency, his administration was able to pass legislation that was inspired by and similar to Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal programs.
Extra info.:
FDR's New Deal involved social reforms; it created Social Security, Civilian Conservation Corps, the National Industrial Recovery Act, and etc.
Johnson declared a War on Poverty during his presidency and was dedicated to helping improve the lives of average Americans. One of his programs that was associated with the War on Poverty is the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA).
The vast improvements made in the field of medicine have served to lengthen our life expectancy and to reduce the rate of infant mortality.
The discovery of mechanization, better seeds, better techniques of irrigation and pest control, has worked to increase productivity levels on farms.
In transportation, railway, modern ocean liner, jet plane, and motor vehicle have made our lives more comfortable and provided great possibilities for modern commercial development and industrialization.
The invention of the computer has assisted the process of calculation in laboratories
Technology has made communication much simpler in recent times.
Science has brought about groundbreaking solutions to numerous deadly diseases.
Man is able to explore the space extensively because of the wide-scale development in technology.
Our life has become healthier and longer.
Modern hygiene, sanitation, medicine and surgery are conquering more and more physical and mental ills day by day. We now know and experience the joys of good health and longevity.
Disadvantages of Science and Technology
Machines have led to unemployment.
They have polluted water and atmosphere. They have caused noise pollution.
Factories have led to slums where human beings live in squalor.
Our moral and spiritual progress has failed to keep pace with our scientific progress.
We have allowed science to master us instead of using it as our servant.
Machines make us mechanical, deaden our sensibilities, stifle our creative talents, force mechanical regularity, uniformity and boredom upon us, increase our wants and desires, and tend to make us selfish, greedy and cr
one reason is because they were a lost civilization for many years and a second reason they have mountains around them so it was very to get there.
Why did it seem early in the war that North Korea would win? ... It wanted to start a war with the United States. It wanted to receive economic aid from the United States. It was influenced by the Soviet Union.