Ender's Game human rights issue. I can't figure out what the main human rights issue of Ender's Game is. there's a lot of differ
ent issues covered in the book but I don't know which could be considered the main. I mean there's the issue of freedom imo but that's a very large covering issue. there's also genocide and... yeah so what do you think is the main human rights issue of that book, not necessarily either of the ones I mentioned?
As you have read in the book, the government has absolute power over it's citizen and uses a war conflict to perpetuate that power. In the book the innocence of children is abused. Throughout the novel Ender experiences the loss of many of his basic rights as a child.
Ender's Game is a series of military science fiction books written by Orson Scott Card. The story shows the future time wherein mankind is endangered after conflicts with alien species. In the Ender's Game, the possible human rights issue involved here would be genocide. Genocide means the deliberate killing of a large group of people in a particular nation or group.