Tides and planetary orbits are caused by the moon
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Inertia: tendency of an object to resist changes in its velocity
Located in the endodermis roots and runs through the cell wall.
c. increase HDL levels
Cholesterol is carried in blood in two ways, LDL and HDL. Both of them are lipoproteins made of fat and protein. LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein has 50% cholesterol and 25% protein by weight. HDL or High Density Lipoprotein has 20% cholesterol and 50 % protein. LDL carries cholesterol to arteries and deposits it there which is not good for the body. HDL on the other hand removes excess cholesterol from body via liver.
Aerobic exercise increases HDL values and lowers LDL values. It has been shown that exercising regularly can increase HDL level by 6% which is good for the overall health of the body. For maximum effect 30 minutes of moderate exercise should be done 5 times a week.
second one
can you help me with my question In the extended simile of the underlined passage from Paragraph 15 of "A Wagner Matinee," the narrator makes an observation about the soul that aring rokol been A. it is like a strange moss on a dusty shelf that, with excruciating suffering, can wither and die y for I the be B though after excruciating suffering it may seem to wither, the soul never dies, C. excruciating, interminable suffering that goes on for half a century can kill the soul.