2 Consider the sequence of keys (5,16,22,45,2,10,18,30,50,12,1). Draw the result of inserting entries with these keys (in the gi
Juliette [100K]
A) (2,4) tree
- Insertion of key 45 makes key unbalanced and this is because it violates the 2,4 tree so we split the node
- insertion of key 10 makes key unbalanced and this is because it violates the 2,4 tree so we split the node
B) Red-black tree
The diagrams for the solutions are attached showing the results of inserting entries
The least common multiple (LCM) of 78, 90, and 140 is: 16,380
78 × 210 = 16,380
90 × 182 = 16,380
140 × 117 = 16,380
Software-defined infrastructure (SDI) is the definition of technical computing infrastructure entirely under the control of software with no operator or human intervention. It operates independent of any hardware-specific dependencies and are programmatically extensible.
The trigger code is given below
create trigger F1_Del
after delete on Friend
for each row
when exists (select * from Friend
where ID1 = Old.ID2 and ID2 = Old.ID1)
delete from Friend
where (ID1 = Old.ID2 and ID2 = Old.ID1);
create trigger F1_Insert
after insert on Friend
for each row
when not exists (select * from Friend
where ID1 = New.ID2 and ID2 = New.ID1)
insert into Friend values (New.ID2, New.ID1);
Elastic IP address
Elastic IP addresses are static, persistent public IP addresses which can be associated and disassociated with the instance, as required.
This will provide the best failover solution that will keep same IP address on a new instance.