Following are the Python program to this question: t=float(input("Enter time value in seconds: "))#input time in seconds by user
d = t // (24 * 3600) #calculate day and store in d variable t= t % (24 * 3600)#calculate time and store in t variable h = t // 3600#calculate hour and store in h variable t %= 3600#calculate time and store in t variable m=t // 60#calculate minutes and store in m variable t%= 60#calculate time and store in t variable s = t#calculate second and store in s variable print("day:hour:minute:second= %d:%d:%d:%d" % (d,h,m,s))#print calculated value
Enter time value in seconds: 1239876
day:hour:minute:second= 14:8:24:36
Description of the above can be defined as follows:
- In the above Python program code an input variable "t" is declared, which uses the input method to input value from the user end.
- In the next step, "d, m, and s" is declared that calculates and stores values in its variable and at the last print, the method is used to print its value.
The ionosphere reflects those waves
Only 1.
One of the merits of counter mode encryption is that the blocks can be decrypted independently of each other. There is no chaining involved, where one transmission error would propagate into all following blocks.
The "randomized" aspect doesn't have anything to do with it (I think). It applies only to the initialization vector and/or the counter start value, which has to be shared with the receiver in plaintext.
The initialization vector is a combination of a random value and a part where the counter is stored.
All of the above items are considered personal risk factors for ergonomic hazards apart from A. Body Size.
Obesity or poor physical conditions make us more prone to musculoskeletal injuries. Poor fitness causes fatigue and is also a prime cause of weariness. State of health such as diabetes, arthritis, thyroid diseases, and hyper-mobile joints, although not conclusive,are more likely to cause musculoskeletal injuries (MSI). The goal of ergonomics is to eliminate discomfort or injury due to work and good working conditions will work perfectly.