Europeans and Americans enjoyed technological superiority and possessed a modern navy with powerful warships powered by steam engines. If they wished, they could have inflicted great damage on Japanese ports and armies. Due to isolation and limited contacts with the outside world, Japan had lagged behind the West technologically and scientifically by the first half of the 19th century. After the fall of the shogunate, the leaders of the Meiji Era began a modernization process, a relatively quick catch-up with the West.
A representative assembly of persons that makes statutory laws for a municipality, state, or nation.
A legislature is the embodiment of the doctrine of popular sovereignty, which recognizes that the people are the source of all political power. Citizens choose by popular vote the legislators, or representatives, whom they want to serve them. The representatives are expected to be sensitive to the needs of their constituents and to represent their constituents' interests in the legislature.
They identified with their neighbors more than they did with the british
it's a type of social and political system where landholders provide land to tenants in exchange for their loyalty and service!
The correct answer is C) To gain the greatest possible profit.
Adam Smith is well known for his economic philosophies written in his book <em>Wealth of Nations</em>. This influential book about capitalism and laissez faire economics helped to develop America's modern economic system.
In his book <em>Wealth of Nations, </em>Adam Smith advocates no government intervention in the economy. Instead, he argues that competition between businesses will result in the best possible outcome for society. Along with this, Smith argues that when individuals act selfishly, they will help society as a whole. This is because acting in your own best interest will result in lower prices or hiring more workers. These types of effects have a positive impact on the society as a whole.