C. A manuscript. If only one answer is allowed. A primary source is a document that is created at the time in which the events it describes is occurring. A manuscript is something that is written by hand and therefore the author would be describing events or ideas that occurring at the time of creating the manuscript. A textbook references other ideas and is a secondary source. A fiction book describes unreal events. A journal article is published in a collection and often refers to other previous events.
1. Exercise develops physical fitness.
2. Range of motion is how far any body part can move in any direction.
3. Muscle myofibrils are made of both thick and thin filaments. These filaments are the used in muscle contractions. The thick filaments and thin filaments slide along each other during a muscle contraction.
4. Lactic acid is removed from muscles when there is an increased amount of blood flow (usually during exercise).
5. Posture is the way a person holds their body when sitting or standing.
6. Varicose veins occur when the veins are weakened and become twisted over time. Normal veins will flow in one direction and there is no back flow because of the valves. When veins are weakened and the valves don’t work properly, the blood can collect in your legs.
7. Antagonistic muscles pair with agonist muscles (best example is the bicep-tricep pair). This means that as one muscle contracts, the other will relax.
<span>Since he was in such a hurry, I told him to go on without me; however, he said he could wait, so we traveled together.</span>
Aries March 21st – April 19th
Taurus April 19th – May 20th
Gemini May 20th – June 20th
Cancer June 20th – July 22nd
Leo July 22nd – August 22nd
Virgo August 22nd – September 22nd
Libra September 22nd – October 23rd
Scorpio October 23rd – November 21st
Sagittarius November 21st – December 21st
Capricorn December 21st- January 19th
Aquarius January 20th – February 18th
Pisces February 18th – March 20th