The answer you are looking for is
Specialized Databases
Exampels of SPECIALIZED DATABASES includes Book Review,Digest Plus, Dissertation Abstracts, and PsycArticles .
Therefore A specialized database which is also known as a research database or library database is a form of database that enables easy and effective targeted searching on one or more of a specific subject field as well as for a specific format which can be in form of a books, articles or conference or for a specific date range during which the information was been published.
Lastly SPECIALIZED DATABASES are used to help to uncover some form of scholarly information that is not available by using a regular web search.
The group of girls laughed at the clueless girl. They had asked her a simple question she did not know the answer to. Tears dripped from her eyes as they pushed her down. It was painful but the truth was, she had enough. She took a spoonful of courage and opened the door they had walked through. The girls seemed busy thinking about their youth, but she did not care, for she stood up to them and poured juice on their. hope this helped have a lovely day.