Which statement from “John Redding Goes to Sea” best supports the idea that the author, Zora Neale Hurston, was an independent w
oman who longed to escape her small hometown? "Pa, when ah gets as big as you Ah'm goin' farther than them ships. Ah'm goin' to where the sky touches the ground."
"Well, son, when Ah wuz a boy Ah said Ah wuz goin' too, but heah Ah am. Ah hopes you have bettah luck than me."
"Well, well, doan cry. Ah thought youse uh grown up man. Men doan cry lak babies. You mustn't take it too hard 'bout yo' ships. You gotta git uster things gittin' tied up . . .”
Alfred Redding's brown face grew wistful for a moment, and the child noticing it, asked quickly: "Do weeds tangle up folks too, pa?"
"Pa, when ah gets as big as you Ah'm goin' farther than them ships. Ah'm goin' to where the sky touches the ground."
"John Redding Goes to Sea" is a short story composed by the American creator Zora Neale Hurston and distributed in 1921. In the story, the hero John Redding is a goal-oriented visionary who needs to leave the place where he grew up to investigate the obscure yet numerous occasions stop him to fulfill his dream.