One time showed leadership was when I was captain of the soccer team and guided my team to victory.
First of all I was not the elected captain, but the guy who was elected captain was injured and chosen me as his replacement because he believed I was a very responsible person that was fit to do the job. So, when we face the other team I was not even in an attacking position. I was in a defensive midfield position. Therefore, I had sight of all the field, my teammates, and their movements. So, I could provide feedback and real-time instructions to them. Making the defense very tight and managing to counter their attacks.
Rereading. Or looking up unknown words.
1. Alliteration: A repetition of initial sounds in two or more words of a line of poetry
An alliteration is a literaty device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound. An example of an alliteration would be "The barbarians broke through the barricade."
2. Caesura: The pause or break in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry.
A caesura is a stop or pause in a metrical linea that creates a break in a verse, splitting it in equal parts.
3. Comitatus: In the Germanic tradition, the relationship between a leader and his warriors, or a king and his lords.
Comitatus is a term mostly used in the Germanic warrior culture to refer to an oath of fealty taken by warriors to their lords.
4. Kenning: A double metaphor, usually hyphenated. Example, "swan-road" for sea.
Kenning comes from Old Norse tradition and it refers to the combination of words to create a new expression with metaphorical meaning.
protagonist and antagonist
The two main characters that should be present in a story are the protagonist and antagonist.
The protagonist one of the main characters. The protagonist is the person leading a contest, a principal performer in the story. He/She is an advocate or champion during the course of action.
An antagonist is the other character in the story. An antagonist usually opposes the protagonist in a literary work or drama. He/she is an enemy or opponent who antagonizes or stirs.
Multicultural education<span> is a set of strategies and materials in education that were developed to assist teachers when responding to the many issues created by the rapidly changing demographics of their students. It provides students with knowledge about the histories, cultures, and contributions of diverse groups; it assumes that the future society is </span>pluralistic<span>. It draws on insights from a number of different fields, including </span>ethnic studies<span> and </span>women studies, but also reinterprets content from related academic disciplines.