Gutenberg made the Bible easier to afford and easier to find as well. He made it to where families all across the world could own a Bible, where the education part comes in, to learn about God and grow to someday be the best they possibly can. He changed society by not only printing the Bible, but also by making more of each book, so everyone could have what they wanted.
causes of the Korean War the spread of communism during the Cold War, American containment, and Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II.
"[...]course Korea shall become free and independent."- Yalta Conference [<em>early 1945</em>]
Most obvious consequence of the Korean War was the near total devastation of North Korea's economic and agricultural infrastructure.
China= corona. USA=no toilet paper
<span>The Potsdam Conference of 1945 marked the beginning of diplomatic conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union because it dealt with what to do with Germany after the war--and Germany soon found itself at the center of the Cold War conflict. </span>