Yes it can be spread. Through the air and from one person to another
In these lines, we see an example of exposition. Exposition is the part of a text in which the author presents background information that the reader needs to know before reading the story. Exposition, therefore, is the first section of a text. In this case, the background information that readers need to know is that the setting has recently experienced a very destructive war. The character can remember the period before the war, and how the city was transformed.
The themes of the book include morality and womanhood. Cassy commits infanticide not because she wanted to do it but because she had no choice. She was a slave and that meant she did not have the capacity to raise the baby. Despite this, she still made her decision to kill the baby and that shows her 'moral weakness.'
Do you have a picture or is it a written answer?
Answer: personal behavior; way of acting; bearing or deportment.
direction or management; execution: