number one give them food to shelter 3 clothes 4 a ride
5 technoligy 6 furniture
Farmers in southern Italy were badly affected during this time of unification.
Italian Unification is a term that refers to the historical process that occurred during the 19th century in which the various states of the Italian peninsula were united as a nation.
One of the highlights of this historical process was the union of the southern states with those of the north. This relationship particularly affected southern farmers as the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie became allied to the detriment of small producers.
This process, which seriously affected the farmers of the south, began with the implementation of unequal policies that favored the mercantile societies of the north in privileges.
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yes, it is important to drive one's work ethic
it does not matter whether you are born with grit or not, as long as it is developed and healthy it is encouraged
The Group of 20 or the G20 is a multilateral forum for the states of 20 major nations based on their economic output are able to consult with one another in an international forum. The organization began in 1999 in order to promote dialogue and discussion around issues to promote financial stability and in general the well-being of the global economy.