Well easy grab the brush of your choice and paint on a piece of paper with any type of paint
There is no best option.
Drew could pick anyone he wanted, but it would all come down to that anything is possible. For instance the people he picks could not work well with each other or they might like working by themselves. They could even be lazy or any other negative characteristics that could cause the project to not be at it's best. And not always people are how they seem they could be having problems in life, or acting like you want them to in order to join the project/team.
This was because of the Nile's yearly floods.
The development of the civilization of Ancient Egypt was only made possible by the flooding of the Nile. This great river was the only source of water that fertilized Egypt's otherwise desert land. A great monsoon brought rain which resulted in Nile's inundations. It was the most important yearly event back then and even represented the reference for the three seasons of Ancient Egypt: <em>inundations, growth </em>and<em> harvest.</em>
The floods occurred each year and the Egyptians still celebrate it as a national holiday starting in mid-august and lasting <em>two</em> <em>weeks</em>.
Dynamics-The variation of loudness and softness in a music piece. Examples are ff, p, mf, mp. Pitch is how the note is played, if it is flat or sharp. Form is the appearance, texture is how the note is being played (tongued, played softly etc) harmony is when notes fit together to harmonize.