Further angered, Unferth declares that either he or Grendel will die that night in the cave. Grendel, however, says that he plans to carry Unferth back to the meadhall unscathed. Unferth swears he would rather kill himself, but Grendel points out that such an action would appear rather cowardly.
Kennedy appeals to the audience's curiosity with his claim that the exploration of space is an adventure. Kennedy appeals to the audience's competitive spirit with his claim that the exploration of space will go on with or without the United States.
Answer: Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Romania. He grew up in a tumultuous and violent time in Europe, with World War II raging from 1939 to 1945. It was an especially dangerous time for Wiesel’s family because they were Jewish. Hitler, the leader of the German...
Answer: Scabbers is Ron Weasley's pet rat, who once belonged to Ron's older brother, Percy. Ron claims he's useless because he sleeps all the time, though he did wake up to bite Gregory Goyle in Ron's defence on the Hogwarts Express.
Explanation: hope this helps <3
Oii, bom quando vou começar um poema que têm uma pegada mais subjetiva ou mais sensível gosto de pesquisar algumas palavras que tem um som agradável e significado bonito, depois encaixo elas com um pouco de rima. Quando vou fazer um poema gosto de escutar música, e ficar num lugar silencioso para me concentrar. Gosto de fazer vários rascunhos de palavras que acho q podem se encaixar umas com as outras. Espero ter ajudado