<em>E:</em> Use stronger transitions between ideas.
Answer: Because he used to be unintelligent, so his dad kept a low profile, but the irony is that he actually grows up to be a teacher.
The fourth alternative is correct (D).
All descriptions are correct and must be followed to compile a list of references. First, check out what owner will say about it. Second, ask permission and third, if allowed, thank, as a good rule of education. Meeting these requirements you will have no copyright issues.
Possibly, the word needed to fill the blank and complete the
sentence would be ‘overall’, which means the ‘added’ or the ‘totaled’ let’s say
score of a certain aspect. The sentence would be:
The overall combined score moved the competitor to the top of
the scoreboard.
The sentence means that the competitor or candidate, possibly
in a contest of example, sports have different scores and when added, the total
score put the person (the competitor) atop everyone else during the
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continuing without pause or interruption. so A