d. each participant receives one level of the independent variable.
Between-subjects design: The between-subjects design is also referred to as between-groups design and is one of the types of experimental design. In a between-subjects design, a single participant is exposed to only one user interface because each participant is supposed to test a single condition. It means that a single participant will experience one experimental condition.
Example: A researcher has two different groups of participants, one group is being experimented in a warm condition and the other is in cold condition.
Imagism was a part of the <u>B) Modern Period.</u>
<h3>What is imagism?</h3>
Imagism was 20th-century poetic movement. It heavily relied on the the use of concrete, short, precise, clear, and sharp languages rather to depict images so that a physical experience is obtained through words.
The main features of this period of imagism included the following:
- Directness of words
- Economy of language
- Avoidance of generalities
- Precise phrasing
- Limited adherence to poetic meter.
Thus, imagism was a part of the Modern Period and not the Romantic, Transcendental, or Contemporary Periods.
Learn more about imagism in poetry and the modern period at and
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The word ambivalence means confused feelings.
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