Hiperrealismo y fotorrealismo
El hiperrealismo es una tendencia radical de la pintura y escultura que nace en Estados Unidos a finales de los años 1960 tras el pop art y luego se extiende por toda Europa; los hiperrealistas rechazan cualquier interpretación de la realidad de la que proponen una reproducción mecánica.
The general structure of a string quartet is:
Violin I
Violin II
The Violin I plays the Soprano parts, the Violin II plays the Alto parts, the Viola plays the Tenor parts, and the Cello plays the Bass parts. The two most important parts of a string quartet are the Violin I and Cello. The Violin I and the Cello the melody plays the counterpoint, while the Violin II and Viola parts are filler parts that are there to make the piece sound nicer.
The one above all
Due to the fact that he is above all.
a.Shows like Tango Argentina began to tour.
Answer: At a fundamental level, think of IP this way: copyright protects your art and writings, trademark protects the names, symbols or slogans for products or services that you sell, and patents protect your inventions and their designs. Also, ideas cannot be protected, only the product of ideas.