To conjugate a regular verb in the imperfect tense in Spanish, simply remove the infinitive ending (-ar, -er, or -ir) and add the imperfect ending that matches the subject.
Spanish: Para conjugar un verbo regular en tiempo imperfecto en español, simplemente elimine la terminación en infinitivo (-ar, -er o -ir) y agregue la terminación imperfecta que coincida con el sujeto.
A, querida profesora
This means that you are saying dear teacher
You: Hola! Me llamo(a) ____ (name). Soy de ____ (place you’re from). Me gusta ___ (an activity you like) en miercoles. No me gusta ____ (an activity you don’t like). ¿de donde eres?
i tried helping out a little bit. i would do the paper yourself but here’s a little help.
Actividades maybe? Not sure. does it have any choices?