The answer to that question is A
I don't see how this is possible, but the answer seems to be A which is the only answer that makes sense.
Large tax cuts don't have anything to do with supply of goods. It does help consumption but that is not the same thing as supply side economics.
C is much truer for the aftermath of WWI than a general statement about Supply. I don't think it is the right answer.
It didn't call for increased government spending unless the government wanted the goods being produced.
I think I'd go with A. It is the most straight forward.
Spanish settlement resulted in much suffering and hardship; it turned many Native Americans into slaves and killed millions of them through battle, mistreatment, and disease.
Until the Industrial Revolution, merchants who sold clothing usually had items manufactured one piece at a time by contractors working from home. Spinners made the yarn on a spinning wheel, and weavers wove it into cloth on a hand loom. Merchants would provide the necessary materials and then buy the finished products. During the Industrial Revolution these processes were automated and centralized.
I hope this helps!! Stay safe