Networking with your friends, members of organizations and co-workers can assist a person to get the job they want or move up in their current job. Networking can help a person get into the right circles and meet new people. This will help you meet the right connections to better yourself with a new job or even move up the ladder in your current job. You can also have business cards made and give them to co-workers, friends, and family to pass around for you. You can also use people in your already completed circle of friends to use as a mentor. This will help you become the person you want to be in life.
initial outlay for the project = -$350
cash flow years 1-5 = [($300 - $135 - $70) x (1 - 36%)] + $70 (depreciation expense) = $60.80 + $70 = $130.80
using an excel spreadsheet and the NPV function, we can calculate the project's NPV with an 8% discount rate:
=NPV(8%,130.80,130.80,130.80,130.80,130.80) - $350 = $522.25 - $350 = $172.25
we can also do it manually:
NPV = -$350 + $130.80/1.08 + $130.80/1.08² + $130.80/1.08³ + $130.80/1.08⁴ + $130.80/1.08⁵ = $172.25
C) Rise about 15 percent
The computation of the increase or decrease of real income is shown below:
Initial income equals to
= Nominal income ÷ Consumer price index
= $10,000 ÷ 100
= 100
If it increases, then it would be
= Nominal income ÷ Consumer price index
= $12,000 ÷ 105
= 114.28
So, the real income is increased from
= 114.28 - 100
= 14.28 approx i.e 15 percent
You do:
132 divided by 22 to calculate the daily wage. The answer is 6. Next you do 15x6 which equals 90. Therefore, the answer is $90
Answe and Explanation:
For banks and other financial institutions, the discrepancy between the short-term maturities of their deposits and the long-term maturities of their assets is referred to as _a maturity mismatch___________.