Fisher sued the University and argued that the use of race as a consideration in the admissions process violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The district court held that the University's admissions process was constitutional, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed.
D. Citizens analyze the actions and words of elected officials -> Officials are held to account when they misbehave.
An informed citizen can better hold officials accountable for their actions. They can raise issue thru media or even their own blogs today. A. also has merit in that citizens educate themselves on important issues, but that should help dictate plans politicians should take, not make politicians communicate plans easier. Also C. Citizens understand how to acquire information leads to citizens are more likely to know how to vote. If C. was slightly reworded then it may be best as in citizens educate themselves on important issues and this leads to citizens making more informed votes. Instead, C. just says citizens understand how to acquire info instead of educate on the issues, and then it says know how to vote (there is not one know how way to vote), but rather should have said make an informed vote.
Answer: "Congressional Debate is a mock legislative assembly competition where students draft ... tournaments, it gives their students the right to an authorship speech, ... have an impact on the success or failure of United States involvement in other."