Answer: Jessica = Embezzlement
Jake = Forgery
Both = Conspiracy
• Jessica,s crime is embezzlement.
Embezzlement is when an individual misappropriates the fund that has been entrusted and placed in the person's care. In this case, Jessica steals the company's fund that is in her possession and this is a financial fraud.
• Jake's crime is forgery
Forgery is when a take signature, false document, or something else is being copied so as to deceive someone else. This is punishable as the person will be charged with fraud.
• The crime of both of them is conspiracy.
A conspiracy is simply when there is an agreement that takes place between two or more people when they want to commit a crime. In this scenario, both Jake and Jessica agreed to carry out the fraud.
just because we have language barrier doesn't mean we have view someone differently
Answer: Your high school transcript
Answer: LOL yes, the nacho fries ad needs to go away
You let the dog go because he's a service dog that's taking advantage of the dog and what if your dog got hurt.