The correct answer is C eukaryotes have a greater variety of genetic material than prokaryotes.
Prokaryotic cells consist of single chromosome and their DNA is present in a dense region called nucleoid.As one copy of each gene is present in the chromosome prokaryotic cells are haploid.The DNA of prokaryotic cells are circular
Whereas eukaryotic DNA is linear and multiple distinct chromosomes are present in eukaryotes.Two copies of each chromosome are present are in many eukaryotic cells.As a result the eukaryotic cells are diploid in nature.
Due to this greater variety of genetic material the domain eukarya are more complex than archea and or bacteria domains.
The right option is A. hydrofluorocarbons
Hydrofluorocarbons are pollutants that are likely to be produced from air conditioning.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are synthetic fluorinated strong greenhouse gases that are strongly accumulating in the atmosphere. Hydrofluorocarbons are mainly used as refrigerants. Hydrofluorocarbons are used to replace ozone depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons which are being phased out in air conditioning, refrigeration, foam blowing agents, and solvents. Hydrofluorocarbons are responsible for about 20% of climate pollution by 2050
Restriction enzymes (endonucleases) are used to cut the DNA into fragements.
Restriction enzymes are obatained from bacteria where they are utilized by bacteria for protection against viruses. Restriction enzymes are used in biotechnology research. There are several restriction enzymes and each cut the DNA at specific site known as recognition site which is usually 4-8 neucleotide long. They produce sticky ends (cutting the both DNA strand on different site) and blunt ends (cutting the both DNA strand on same site) on DNA fragments.
It releases bound oxygen into your body's tissues.
I don't know,sorry.I hope that I could help but I cant