A producer decides what problems he or she has and how to solve them. When a producer knows which problems he or she has to solv
e, he or she knows what personnel are needed to achieve the goals of the production. That’s called “_________ _____________”, and understanding those things, the producer then knows how to administer the _____________, and monitors the spending every step of the way.
Picking the right people to accomplish a project will always be paramount in projects and theatre is no different. The producer being the most powerful person on set, has the responsibility to pick personnel that will contribute the most to the production. In doing so, the producer builds a team which is where the process gets its name, <em>Team building. </em>
The producer must also administer the production<em> budget</em> such that it is spent efficiently, monitoring the spending every step of the way to make sure that as many goals as possible are met.