Your answer is Bob Cratchit
Answer: The most romantic Valentine's gift you could give someone is a coffee mug. Firstly most people drink coffee everydaying meaning that a mug would be used very frequently compared to some other gifts you could give like a flower, a flower would just look nice but slowly die and you would only have it for around 2 weeks. Another reason why a coffee mug is a good/romantic gift is that you can customize it such as having text or an image on a mug making it customisable. Lastly it is good because you can use it to hold things such as pens, pencils, markers, etc. Overall a coffee mug is an excellent Valentine's gift.
When considering why Henry was irritated with his mother in The Red Badge of Courage, the most effective reading strategy to realize this is reading between the lines to infere. At any moment it is said that he feels irritated with her, but there are two instances in chapter 1 that shows that. The first one is when he prepared himself emotionally for a warm welcome from his mother and she seemed cold and far away from him, while the other is when he was about to leave to the army and his mother gave him a moral speech. 'It had not been quite what he expected.' Whe can infere that he expected a hug, a kiss and an <em>I love you</em>, instead of rules of good behavior.
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