They felt as though the place that they lived in were sacred, and that the land and animals living on the land, should be treated with respect. Their religion believed that bears were their ancestors, and that you should not hurt them unless it was very necessary. They believed that they should never let things go to waste, like when they cut down trees, they use everything for a different purpose. Same went with buffalo.
To be in any position of power can be very lonely. When you are in a position of power, you are not able to confide in people as they can use those words against you. Plus, any decision you make can be twisted and rumored before you are ready to reveal what you are going to do. Additionally, you are not the most popular person, especially when you have to make a decision that many do not agree with, so they don't always like you very much.
It's basically how death is unavoidable and how it's a natural part of life.
Yes, because Tinker v. Des Moines extends students' right to free speech to schools.