Not for sure what your paragraph is about, but here a few words for you :)
Sui Generis: being the only example of its kind, unique
Profligate: using money, resources, etc., in a way that wastes them
Obduracy: refusing to change in any way
Obstreperous: very noisy or difficult to control
children were asked about their own both before and after
they help the reader be a part of the story.
It allows them to experience that moment with their imagination.
it helps the reader to play out the scene in their mind, making them more involved and interested
All people long to feel respected and accepted
From the excerpt given, Marguerite replies Mrs. Flowers and tells her that she was liked by people, not because she was Mrs. Henderson's grandchild or Bailey's sister, but because she was just herself.
From the dialogue, the central idea of the story is All people long to feel respected and accepted