Africa had to trade for cotton and slaves for the spices, tapestries and glass beads of china, India and the Ottoman Empire
Towards the western verge of the Silk Road is the Ottoman Empire. Present day turkey is the place which was ruled by ottoman Turks and Silk Road extended from china to central Africa. Cotton which was the primary crop of west Africa was traded on the silk road with China in exchange to porcelain, glass products and silk and spices.
Ottoman Empire which also merchandised on the Silk Road procured the slaves of Africa. Central African slaves were purchased by Ottoman Turks. Under Islamic law slaves were to be fed with food and shelter and they have to be given good care by their owner. Slaves were also made unrestrained and were given an opportunity to start a new life with. Ottoman Turks were religious and treated slaves as part of their family.
the created the act because they wanted money to pay off its debts
Explanation:before the act britain needed money to pay off its debts so it went to the colonies and they said no so they created the act to tax the colonies in order to get more money
Thomas Jefferson used the thoughts first penned by John Locke while writing the Declaration of Independence. The phrase "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness," was an idea first considered by Locke in his Two Treatises on Government.