If the president becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the president or acting president.
National Liberation Front
8 in 1816 & 1820
16 in 1824 & 1828
21 in 1832, 1836 & 1840
23 from 1844 through 1860
21 in 1864 & 1868
22 in 1872, 1876 & 1880
23 from 1884 through 1908
24 from 1912 through 1928
26 in 1932, 1936 & 1940
26 in 1964 & 1968
25 in 1972, 1976 & 1980
23 in 1984 & 1988
21 in 1992, 1996 & 2000
20 in 2004 & 2008
18 in 2012, 2016 & 2020
25 from 1944 through 1960
Under Queen Elizabeth 1, the church of england was firmly established and both catholics & separatists were persec
The two individuals are William Walker and Cornelius
Vanderbilt. Cornelius Vanderbilt had established the Accessory Transit Company
to span Nicaragua and connect to his steamships. While William Walker he oblige an independent
command when he take place in Nicaragua. He quickly start a blundering shoot
down, and was lucky to survive.