Country X regulates how businesses conduct their practice in regards to its effect on the population, but does not completely restrict their freedom. It takes elements from a free and command market.
Under the Capetians, the French "<span>a. regained territory from the English," due mostly to the fact that the French during this time were more aggressive in their foreign policy. </span>
C. It would have forced him to seek Congress's approval for US involvement.
the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
"his likely motive was to protect his regional monopoly on furs"
a company or group having exclusive control over a commodity or service.
"areas where cable companies operate as monopolies"
a commodity or service in the exclusive control of a company or group.
"electricity, gas, and water were considered to be natural monopolies"
a board game in which players engage in simulated property and financial dealings using imitation money. It was invented in the US and introduced in 1933 by Charles Darrow; a forerunner of the game had been patented on 5 January 1904 as ‘The Landlord's Game’ by Elizabeth J. Magie.
People in the future could describe our civilization in many ways. Considering what may happen in the future (new way of goverment, and/or the shape of life.) They could admire the ways we built our towers, or how we lived, or maybe even how we celebrated certain events. For example, how we celebrated Mardi Gras, with parades and food. Then again, they may think the parades were ludacris. And un-human like.
People in the future would most likely criticize how we treated people based on how they looked/ the color of peoples skin/ and how much money they had. They would most likley belive that we were un fair to others and straight up rude.
People in the future could think many things about how we live now.