Sequoyah. Sequoyah, was a Cherokee silversmith. In 1821 he completed his independent creation of a Cherokee syllabary, making reading and writing in Cherokee possible. Wikipedia
Most people were engaged in agriculture as in the U.S. in 1820. They farmed to feed and clothe themselves; in other words, they engaged in subsistence agriculture. Most people did not own land. The land was owned by a few, such as hacendados or the Roman Catholic Church.
There were export sectors in economies. Exports were of two basic kinds: agricultural and mineral. Argentina and Uruguay exported cattle hides and salted beef. Bolivia exported silver and mercury; Peru: silver and, later, guano; Colombia: precious metals and sugar; Brazil: sugar and, later, coffee; and Mexico: silver, gold, and cotton. Most of these exports went to Europe. Little went to each other. None of it in huge volumes even in Argentina until the late 19th century. The countries lacked capital, communications networks, and technology to develop the export business. Besides, the upper class was able to meet its needs without much economic expansion. Societies were run for the benefit of the upper classes.
Mayonnaise is to make the bread less dry
Article 1 gives Congress its powers and limits. ... Article 1 also creates the two sections of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Article 2 of the Constitution. Article 2 of the Constitution makes the executive branch of the government.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The Native Americans did not have close ties with the US. We screwed them over (and still do) continuously. Our country doesn’t like them for several stupid reasons. So, yes, you are right. It is false