, the world was made up of a single continent through most of geologic
time. That continent eventually separated and drifted apart, forming
into the seven continents we have today. The first comprehensive theory
of continental drift was suggested by the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener
in 1912. The hypothesis asserts that the continents consist of lighter
rocks that rest on heavier crustal material—similar to the manner in
which icebergs float on water. Wegener contended that the relative
positions of the continents are not rigidly fixed but are slowly
moving—at a rate of about one yard per century.
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In this circumstance one should revise the hypothesis and develop a new experiment to test it.An example could be the theory of Agraham Gottloeb Werner that all rocks were precipitated from water including not just sedimentary rocks but also volcanic, plutonic and metamorphic rocks. The more the earth was studied, especially by James Hutton in Scotland, the more it became obvious that granites for example were deposited in a molten state, thus disproving that hypothesis or theory.
Most of those major cities are located near Petroleum Fields and Coal Mines.