She didn't feel comfortable around them?
I'm probably incorrect.
Answer: A heroes function is to save people and protect people.
2. The Willing Hero. Examples: Nancy Drew, James Bond. ...
The Unwilling Hero. Example: Frodo Baggins. ...
The Tragic Hero. Examples: Oedipus, Brutus. ...
The Classical Hero. Example: King Arthur, Wonder Woman. ...
The Epic Hero. Example: Beowulf, Odysseus. ...
The Antihero Hero. Examples: Tony Soprano, Deadpool.
3. The negation theory explains what something is by showing what it
is not. Using negation helps to contrast your definition with others’
True, use a colon rather than a comma to follow a salutation in a business letter.
Dear Ma. Johnson:
Dear Dave,
Augustine believed that time belongs to God, therefore, it's a concept that cannot be applied to explain God's actions.
Augustine proposed that Gods existence could be placed in a timeless present simple. He believed that eternity cannot be measured in terms of time, and said that God is eternal as eternity does not pass and is always present.
Hope it helps!