The correct answer is A.) Yes, I have finished washing the dishes.
1.Mi abuelita vive en Santiago
2.Yo ayudaría a
3.¿En dónde vives?
4.Ella está cansada
5.Fuimos a la fiesta
6.Estaba viendo la tele
7.¿Dónde está mi celular?
8.Trabajo en AIRCA
9.No he estado cantando
10.Caminaba a lo largo de la calle
11.Estamos bebiendo café
12.He sido vivir aquí para una semana
13.¿Quien me puede ayudar?
14.Estaba bailando con Harry
The horses pulled the wagon up the hill, trotted down the other side, an then paused to rest at a stream.
Consider Causes and List Effects to Gather Details
Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most troubled characters, and he contemplates on life and death quite a lot. In these lines it is apparent that death is inevitable, it will come for us all no matter who we are. Both Alexander and Caesar were once great men, it seemed it was impossible for them to die. But they did, the same way every living creature will eventually. We will die, and turn to dust, then to earth, and so on. No one can escape that fate, no matter how hard we try. Regardless who you are in life, you will share the same doom with every other creature that once lived.