Their symbol, their credo, is a life of liberty. The Quetzal, the National Bird of Guatemala, long may they soar. Their currency is called the Guatemalan quetzal, named after the national bird. moneda means currency in spanish.
That's easy! So easy l'm not going to tell you the answer. But I will tell you what each of the words mean: Adiós, mamá. : Goodbye Mother Hola: Hi Hasta luego: See you later Igualmente: equally, alike Mucho gusto : In some countries, such as Costa Rica, mucho gusto is also used to say you're welcome. Or Nice to meet you
Lo primero que ago cada mañana antes de levantarme es cepillarme, lavarme la cara y bañarme porque eso me ayuda a despertarme y estar lista para el resto del día, después desayuno para tener energías al hacer ejercicio.
The correct answer is A Solicitaré