Following are the code to this question:
please find the attached file.
In this code, four class "novels, magazines, technical journals, and textbooks", is defined, in which it holds their respective default constructor and the get and set method to hold the string and integer value, and in the book class the main method is defined, that creates its object and a switch to for search value and print its value.
All counties. Much more info. Although most layers are just excel files with geographical reference data in them. That one file may be several MB as the state file may be 1mb or less
x=0; // assigning 0 to x if y equals 10.
x=1; // assigning 1 to x otherwise.
In the if statement i have used equal operator == which returns true if value to it's right is equal to value to it's left otherwise false.By using this operator checking value of y and if it is 10 assigning 0 to x and if it is false assigning 1 to x.
binary,decimal, hexadecimal and octal number system
Negative transfer of learning
Negative transfer of learning occur when the knowledge you've acquired in the past is/are interfering with the one(s) you are currently acquiring.
Example: learning a new language that have some differences in pronunciation from the previous one, changing from a right-sided vehicles to a left-sided vehicles etc.