The intent of separation of powers is to prevent the concentration of unchecked power by providing for "checks" and "balances" to avoid autocracy, over-reaching by one branch over another, and the attending efficiency of governing by one actor without need for negotiation and compromise with any other.
Davy Crockett was a backwoodsman from Tennessee. His skill as a hunter and storyteller helped get him elected to three terms in Congress. But when he started his first
political campaign, Crockett was doubtful about his chances of winning. “The thought
of having to make a speech made my knees feel mighty weak and set my heart to fluttering.” Fortunately for Crockett, the other candidates spoke all day and tired out the
audience. “When they were all done,” Crockett boasted, “I got up and told some laughable story, and quit. . . . I went home, and didn’t go back again till after the election was
over.” In the end, Crockett won the election by a wide margin.
by remembering the impact all of the african american community has had on our country
An act to mobilize the human and financial resources of the nation to combat poverty in the United States.
America is one of the main migratory destinations for millions of people throughout the world. Thus, thousands of families and individuals decide to leave their countries in order to seek a better life, the so-called "American dream", in the United States.
The main factors by which this occurs are, on the one hand, the economic stability of the nation, with a strong currency, an inclusive labor market and a huge range of possibilities and opportunities for those who come to the country with the intention of investing. On the other hand, the political and social stability of the United States is also an important factor: many migrants leave their countries for reasons of political instability, violence or social conflicts, which is why America offers a panorama of liberty, rule of law, peace and security for all these people.