50 years is a long time but not long enough for the preconquest Aztec to forget their way of living before the Spanish came. The compromise lies in how easy it is to get historical information from the Aztec since some of them will have already learned Spanish very well and between how accurate these historical accounts are since little details about the preconquest Aztec society can be forgotten in 50 years.
0182643927362929267119107363020272729263639201916263930263749352101050191629383282026528282572929262830403625404921519825392628363630026292825373939252918253920161016192539262915241910152539392530425404926291826392019637392927539402926358302027462891002647390 029736738209264839294663892029747391002646389200163738020027372973730292827728299272728929826363782928262736382927362929267292638292151840492662910163630201 me 639392646392012963280117429201725372918625368201863739302636494402551199364382029367449032616849565286383926263923663929163930236392936649304584629294647399363010163739926492026493926840266292936483926372992636493925363929825271010636393835373845730102476483929363692925482910196373035825269194747201982637301016373938479302627394947920125639291636382926263982
Option: They regulated political parties.
They controlled elections.
They arrested legislators.
The Military came into power in Brazil when João Goulart policies created an economic crisis in the county, led in a revolution to overthrow the government, eventually brought the military to power in Brazil in 1964. From 1964 to 1985, the military generals controlled the government and rejected constitutional rights along with taking control of elections, parties and arresting legislators.
it is really long question but I will need to read material from your book and the internet to compose your answer
States could not tax the Federal government, but the Federal government could tax the states.