It would be "(A) Institution of a secret ballot" that was not part of the Populist Party’s platform, since the Populists were largely about transparency--both within government and big business.
The Columbian Exchange was when the old world (Europe) trade with the new world (America) items. for example: Old World had horses. So if Europe never came to America... we wouldn't have them. Or new world had tomatoes. If Europe didn't have tomatoes... We wouldn't have pizza or delicious Italian goods.
German people, whether Nazis or not, truly held to the idea that Germany was fighting for its freedom, even for its actual existence. But for Hitler, WWII was not about conquering former German territory in Poland or about consolidating nationalism for Germans living outside Germany. WWII was about the creation of a new racial order, one of German superiority over Slavs and Jews.
There was a strong politization of Germans after World War I. Once Hitler came to power in 1933, brainwash and seduction were the methods to reach German people. Even though questions of race, authority and loyalty were regularly deliberated, and only a minority became absolutely Nazis, most people were in agreement with the premises of the regime, including the confinement of German Jews. While most Germans had little idea about the Holocaust, this support made them accomplices of Hilter's "final solution".
I believe the answer is b because there were often wars between African clans and the best way to get rid of the prisoners and get things they needed at the same time was to trade them.
The sevant asked for Romeo's help because he could not read and asked Romeo to read the list of people invite d to the party.