Under the ordinance, slavery was forever outlawed from the lands of the Northwest Territory, freedom of religion and other civil liberties were guaranteed, the resident Indians were promised decent treatment, and education was provided for.
Diseases. To list some would be influenza, smallpox, etc.
Question: What were some of the key influences on the colonists' views of the government?
Answer: The Declaration of Independence, the Magna Carta, and the Bill of Rights
Hope this works!
Round headed figure. 3000 BC, Niger.
Giraffe engraving, Niger, Bradshaw foundation.
Nok head. Northern Nigeria. 500BC - AD500.
Jos museum, Nigeria. ( The terracotta clay slip has eroded away leaving a grainy pock-marked original surface)
Subsistence crops are grown for the direct benefit of the farmer and their family. Cash crops are grown to deliberately be sold. ... Cotton makes a poor subsistence crop because you can't eat it and it has to be processed before it's useful (ginned, spun and woven)