okay mines cancer urs is....
Translated from Turkish to English this says
How to write an article with phrases
<span>This is the best I could do: The girl has a great voice to solicit applicants . A great cry does not love Dave. The sixth child is active. Dave energetic boy
he does not love . Children run to a nearby farm . Dave is not a Roman . The girls were happy to wander in the fields . The big tree in the fields of the child they see. </span>
Basic Korean Before You Learn:
Hi : 안녕하세요 Pronounced: annyeonghaseyo
How are you: 어떻게 지내 Pronounced: eotteohge jinae
Why?: 왜? Pronounced: wae
you: 당신 Prounounced: dangsin
Thank you:
감사합니다! Pronounced : gamsahabnida!